Audit Committee’s Challenges in an M&A Transaction
Thursday, March 20, 2025Title: Audit Committee’s Challenges in an M&A Transaction
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Carl Newton, CPA, MBA, Vice President and Principal, Accounting Advisory, Eliasson Group
Jonathan Martin, Managing Director, Valuation Advisory Services, Kroll, LLC
Field of Study: Management Services
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 1 CPE Credit
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based
Advance Preparation: None
Learning Objectives:
- Provide an overview of the pervasive financial reporting risks related to integration in significant transactions with an emphasis on the need for accounting policy alignment among the combining entities and the importance of effort coordination among constituents to ensure achievement of transaction synergies.
- Demonstrate the importance of valuation in the context of financial statement audits considering common errors and inconsistencies in the purchase price allocation process and the implications of such errors in subsequent periods (e.g., goodwill impairment testing).